Sunday, December 9, 2018

Welcome Post

Welcome to the four week course, College & Career Searching for Military Spouses. This course was developed to ensure you are making thoughtful, informed choices when it comes to investing in your first college degree program. As military spouses, there are some additional considerations you'll want to make in selecting a program and career as compared to your civilian counterparts. There are four modules to this course that will be completed in order:

  1. Self-assessment
  2. School selection criteria
  3. Financing your education
  4. Academic Success in Higher Education
You can find the links to each module on the right side bar. You will review this material on your on time and we will come together at the end of each week on Sundays via Google Hangouts to debrief on what was covered, clarify any remaining questions and learn from one another! Please complete the course sign-up to officially register for the course and earn your course completion certificate. 

Course Sign-Up

Course Sign-Up
